Do good to others with caution

If you do good, know to whom you are doing it and you will receive thanks for your kindness.

Do good to the godly man and you will receive a reward, if not from the man himself, at least from the Most High.

Blessings are not for those who persist in evildoing, nor for those who refuse to show compassion.

Give to the godly man, do not help the sinner;

do good to the humble, do not give to the ungodly; deny him bread, do not give it to him lest he eventually dominate you. He will repay you with a double evil for all the good that you have done for him.

For the Most High himself detests sinners and carries out his vengeance on the ungodly.

Give to the good man but do not help the sinner.

Sirach 12:1-7