Do not hide from the Lord

Do not say, "I will hide from the Lord; who will remember me up there? I will not be recognized in the midst of so many. What am I in the immensity of creation?"

Look: the sky and the heavens above the sky, the sea and the earth tremble when he comes.

The mountains, together with the foundations of the earth, are filled with dread before his sight.

But nobody thinks of such things: who is interested in the ways of God?

Most of his works go unnoticed and man does not see where the storm originates.

"Who tells us of the interventions of God? Who expects them? The Covenant is far away."

Such are the thoughts of the man of little sense, the foolish, dissolute man who loves his illusions.

Listen to me, my sons; acquire knowledge and apply your heart to my words.

I will expound the teaching step by step and impart knowledge carefully.

Sirach 16:17-25